1、your first years in your childhood school.
2、the people, such as musician, actors, athlete, could give a good example to young people.
3、文章是關于學校加建café 的情況。聽力材料是男的非常贊同。提供了休息的地方,提供了討論的地方,圖書館內不能說話。
4、a tragedy common. People catch fish to earn money, the fish will be decreased.4 people have too many ships and horses, there will be overgrazing.
5、a man has a confliction with his economic project and his father birthday party.
男生和組員的PROJECT 沒做完,下周一要交(dead line),但是這周他爸過50歲生日,他必須回家。女孩出主意,1不回家(男孩說不行)2跟組員說明,組員幫他做(男的說他怕不公平,因為別的組員也有很多東西做)3早點回學校,他還能有一天去寫。男孩說都會考慮考慮。(男生說怕家人不高興,因為很多人都去參加生日派對)
6、some birds have the soil to break down the food , some birds have the soil to decompose the poison.
鳥類為什么要吃soil。有兩種鳥,1種,吃了能幫助消化。 2種,鳥吃的東西里面有一種poison,但是鳥吃了沒問題,因為這種毒會因為soil轉化成別的東西來幫助鳥排泄。