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作者:   發(fā)布時間:2011-08-22  來源:育路教育網(wǎng)
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    The Often-Overlooked Interview Advantage: Good Grooming經(jīng)常會被忽略的面試絕招:良好的形象。

    There are dozens of factors that affect whether or not you land a job: from your work and expertise to your education and your personality. In addition to these weighty factors, your appearance also counts, in particular good grooming.有很多的因素影響著你是否能夠得到一份工作:從你的工作,專業(yè)教育到你的個人性格。在這些重要的因素之外,你的外貌也是有影響的,特別是良好的形象。

    Fashion stylist Colin Megaro, the founder of Planet Style Concierge, says that today, "Grooming standards are definitely higher across the board." Megaro, whose company offers style analysis, personal-shopping services, and more, offers up these tips to make sure you're good to go at your next interview.服裝造型師Colin Megaro,也是Planet Style Concierge的創(chuàng)建者,他今天說“形象標準肯定高過一切。” Megaro的公司提供造型分析,個人購物服務(wù)等等,他提供了以下幾點建議幫助你在下一次面試中表現(xiàn)出色。

    1. Good grooming is standard, no matter the industry.不管是什么行業(yè),良好的形象都是最好的。

    If you work in the music industry, you may think you can push the boundaries of good grooming —— but you'd be wrong. "Standards do not vary from industry to industry," according to Megaro. "No matter what you do for work you should always be well-groomed. Take some pride in yourself and always present the best you."如果你在音樂行業(yè)工作,你可能會認為自己可以不用打扮了,那你就錯了。據(jù)Megaro所說:“標準是沒有行業(yè)界限的。不管你做什么工作,你時刻都應(yīng)該保持良好的形象。為你自己感到自豪,時刻展示最完美的自己。”

    2. Nail it!


    Men and women should always be manicured, according to Megaro. "That's right, gentlemen! A manicure and a good buff go a long way," he states. Megaro, who styles both men and women, advises women to choose neutral colors for nails. "Bright red, black, or jewelednails are not appropriate for the workplace." Megaro認為男人和女人都應(yīng)該修指甲。“是的,紳士。修剪指甲和健康的身體對你大有幫助。” Megaro既為男士做造型也為女士設(shè)計造型,他建議女士選擇涂膚色的指甲油。“亮紅色,黑色,或閃閃的指甲在職場上都是不合適的。”

    3. Don't look shady with a "five o'clock shadow."不要看起來像有“5點鐘的影子”那么毫無生氣。

    The rugged look probably isn't best for the office, either. He says, "Five o'clock shadows aren't OK —— even after five o'clock. If you're heading to an interview from a current job or even from home, schedule it so you have time to wash your face, shave, and make sure your suit is fresh and wrinkle-free."粗獷的外表也不適合辦公室。他說“五點鐘的樣子是不好的,即使是在五點之后的。如果你計劃直接從當前工作中或家中去面試的話,就提前計劃一下,這樣你有時間洗臉、刮胡須、并且要確保你的西裝是干凈的,沒有皺褶的。

    Facial hair can be fashionable, but it's probably best for men not to rock the ZZ Top look. "If you must have it, it needs to be short and well groomed," he cautions.胡子會很時尚,但是男人最好不要留Z字形胡須。他警告說:“如果你非要這樣做的話,也要確保胡須要短而整齊。”

    4. Put your best foot forward.穿最好的鞋子(去面試)。

    "Women MUST have a pedicure if they're wearing open-toe shoes, but even if you're a man, your shoes shouldn't look as if you regularly walk on hot coals (unless that's the job you're pursuing)," Megaro counsels. He recommends that shoes always be polished with proper soles. If you scuff a shoe, he reveals, "A Sharpiethe color of your shoe can save the day!" Megaro 建議說:“如果穿涼鞋的話,女人就必須要修腳。即使你是個男的,也不要讓你的腳看起來像經(jīng)常在煤礦里面走來走去一樣臟(除非你想找的是那種類型的工作)。他建議皮鞋應(yīng)該永遠都要擦亮,并且鞋跟一定要匹配。他說,如果你的鞋子磨壞了,一雙和鞋子顏色一樣的平底帆可能會讓你轉(zhuǎn)危為安。

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