Teacher’s Tender 教師的關懷 ---- Reward and Recognition coupons 贊賞用語手冊 1. You may bring something special from home to school. 你可以從家中帶些特別的東西到校。 2. Tomorrow is your special day to read in _____ class. 明天你將特許在××班閱讀。 3. You may sit wherever you like today. 今天你可以選擇你喜歡的座位。 4. Please share your ____expertise (skills) with ____.請把你的××見解和××分享。 5. Please help the new student today. 今天請你幫助新來的同學。 6. You’re a SUPER student! 你是一個超級學生! 7. You may pick the story at storytime. 你在閱讀課上可自選故事。 8. Your work is improving. 你的作業(yè)大有進步。 9. You followed directions well today. 今天你很聽話。 10. You may pick from the treat jar. 你可以從獎賞盒中選一樣禮品。 11. You listened well today. 今天你聽課十分認真。 12. You may design and put up the bulletin board. 你可以設計一個作品并貼在公告欄上。 13. You worked really hard today. 今天你學習確實十分努力。 14. You may choose the game we play. 你可以選擇我們要玩的游戲 15. This coupon entitles the bearer to one 16. I think you’re WONDERFUL! May I call your parents to tell them so? 我認為你真不錯!我可以打電話告訴你的父母嗎? 17. You are a success! 你成功了! 18. You may be the teacher’s helper today. 今天你可以擔任助教。 19. Today we will have lunch together. 今天讓我們共進午餐。 20. You are FIRST today. 今天你第一名。 |
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