[img]http://bbs.yuloo.com/userpicture/05_01/54571000-1105578186.jpg[/img] 她在追趕明天:中文標題是一個句子,譯成英文時僅保留“追趕明天”的意思,謂詞用現(xiàn)在分詞-ing形式就可以了�!白汾s”的英文有run after, chase, pursue等。前兩個詞意思比較具體,pursue意思比較抽象,接近于‘追求’,所以用pursue較好。 黃宗英是一九四二年在上海開始藝術(shù)生涯的,在此之前,她曾在天津度過了學生時代。至今她還清楚地記得,三七年夏天,小學畢業(yè),她報考了天津南開中學,發(fā)榜那天,她興沖沖地趕去看榜,剛走到中原公司,就遇到了戒嚴。她和行人慌忙躲進商店,只見插著太陽旗的坦克隆隆駛過,坦克履帶的痕跡深深刻在了祖國母親的胸膛上,也在她少小的心靈上留下了不可平復的傷痕。這以后,日軍全面占領(lǐng)了天津,當局在學校強制推行日語教育,和她們朝夕相處的老師,含淚講著都德的《最后一課》。 她還清楚地記得,一九四一年,她剛剛在耀華中學上了半年高中,因交不起學費而中途輟學。媽媽賣掉最后一件首飾,送她到上海去自謀生路。上海,這個燈紅酒綠的花花世界,對于一個初上舞臺的青年女演員,處處都是陷阱。她幾次回到天津,想找個安定一些的職業(yè),但迫于自己和朋友們的生計,又不得不重返舞臺。往來于京滬道上,她目睹大雪封道時,躺在雪地上被鞭打的同胞,日本憲兵在隆冬臘月,拿水龍澆散搶著登車的難民...... 她在茫茫的生活大海中浮沉,尋找著新的生路。在苦悶彷徨之中,黨向她伸出了手,她投身于黨所領(lǐng)導的進步文化事業(yè)。從演《麗人行》開始,她的生活道路發(fā)生了轉(zhuǎn)折。 一九四八年至一九四九年,她和她的愛人趙丹,同電影界的進步人士一起,在國民黨嚴密控制下的上海,秘密拍攝了《烏鴉與麻雀》,以這部忠實紀錄了國民黨末日的故事影片,迎來了新中國的誕生。 (轉(zhuǎn)載自《中國翻譯》1989年第2期。文字略有刪改。) 1. 藝術(shù)生涯:直譯是artistic career。黃宗英是表演藝術(shù)家,所以這里的“藝術(shù)”可以按‘演藝’理解,譯成:her acting career。與‘演藝生涯’有關(guān)的搭配還有:舞臺生涯(stage career),戲劇生涯(theatrical career),銀幕生涯(movie/film career)等。 度過了學生時代:“學生時代”這里不宜按student time譯,可譯成spent her school days;靈活一點,也可譯成went to school。 至今她還……記得:謂詞remember的簡單現(xiàn)在時形式已經(jīng)表達出‘今天’的時間信息,所以不必加To this day。 小學畢業(yè):在中文里,不論小學、中學、大學,只要合格地學完了學業(yè),都可以叫“畢業(yè)”。英文里的graduate,一般指合格地完成了有學位或畢業(yè)證(diploma)的學業(yè);在英國,從大學(university)或?qū)W院(許多名為college的學校其實是中學)畢業(yè),叫g(shù)raduate;在美國,graduate指從大學或中學(high school)畢業(yè)。不論英國或美國,“小學畢業(yè)”都叫finish elementary/primary school。 報考:即‘報名參加考試’,這里的主要意思是‘參加考試’,因此可不管‘報名’,只譯‘考試’take the entrance examination for...。 發(fā)榜:即‘公布考試結(jié)果’(the results were announced),“榜”的意思可留到下面“看榜”處譯。 興沖沖:即‘心里充滿希望和激動’(her heart full of hope and excitement)。 看榜:即‘看自己的名字是不是在榜上’(to see if her name was on the list of successful candidates)。 剛走到:這里的意思是‘正當她路過’(Just as she was passing...)。 中原公司:這是一家百貨公司,因此譯成Zhongyuan Department Store。 遇到了戒嚴:意思是‘發(fā)現(xiàn)已經(jīng)宣布戒嚴’(She found that martial law had been declared.)。她和行人慌忙躲進商店:直譯是She hastened into the store to take shelter together with the other pedestrians.也可以按‘和其他躲避戒嚴的行人一起涌入商店’理解,譯成She crowded into the store along with the other pedestrians taking shelter.。 插著(旗):這里的“插”不能譯成plant,而要用fly。 太陽旗:即日本國旗,the Japanese flag。 隆隆駛過:與“隆隆”相當?shù)南舐曉~是rumble,再加上by即可表達“隆隆駛過”的意思。 坦克履帶的痕跡:英文譯成the treads就可以了。 祖國母親:英文的motherland本身就有‘母親’的意思,所以不必重復翻譯“母親”。 胸膛: chest是中性詞,更接近于‘胸部’的意思;bosom特指女性的胸膛,這里更為合適。 不可平復的傷痕:即‘永遠無法愈合的創(chuàng)傷’(a wound which would never heal)。 這以后……天津:這里可以按‘那一天日軍占領(lǐng)了天津’理解,譯為That was the day Japanese troops occupied Tianjin.,不須把“以后”和“全面”的意思譯出來。 強制推行日語教育:也就是‘日語成了必須學的課’(the Japanese language became mandatory)。 朝夕相處:這里的意思是‘相處的時間很長,關(guān)系很密切’(had spent so much of her time with the students),不宜把“朝夕”(from morning till night)的意思譯出來。 都德的《最后一課》:都德,Alphonse Daudet (1840~1897)法國小說家,其短篇小說The Last Lesson是一篇宣揚愛國主義,反對異國文化侵略的佳作。 2. 上了半年高中:這里的“半年”實際就是一個學期(semester),可以譯成after just one semester of senior high。 交不起學費: unable to pay the tuition fee,這里也可簡單譯成could no longer afford it,it指senior high school education。 中途輟學:也就是‘退學’(drop out of school),“中途”的意思已經(jīng)隱含在drop out of school里了。 媽媽賣掉最后一件首飾,送她……:從下文看,黃宗英的母親賣掉首飾,顯然是為了給女兒買去上海的火車票。翻譯時可以把這一層意思補出來,Her mother sold the last piece of her jewelry to buy Huang Zongying a train ticket for Shanghai.。 自謀生路: earn a living on her own或earn her own bread and butter。 燈紅酒綠的花花世界:意思是‘一個令人眼花繚亂并且有著各種誘惑的世界’(a dazzling world of myriad temptations)。 初上舞臺:這里可以按‘沒有經(jīng)驗’理解,譯成:inexperienced。 處處都是陷阱:也就是‘一個充滿陷阱的地方’( a place filled with pitfalls)�?紤]到前面說黃宗英去上海是為了找一條生活出路,下面馬上接著又說她回到天津,為了增強上下文的連貫,這里可以譯成a place filled with more pitfalls than opportunities。 安定:“安定”的英文是stable,但是說職業(yè)或工作“安定”,還含有secure的意思。 迫于:這里實際表示原因或目的,可譯成insgroupsto...。 自己和朋友們的生計:也就是‘養(yǎng)活自己和朋友們’(support herself and her friends)。 往來于京滬道上:黃宗英其實是通過京滬鐵路來往于天津和上海之間,所以可譯成travelling between Tianjin and Shanghai。 大雪封道:即‘火車被大雪困住了’(her train became snowbound)。 她目睹……被鞭打的同胞,日本憲兵……拿水龍澆……:原文前半句是被動,后半句是主動,可是“鞭打”和“澆”的施動者顯然都是日本憲兵,因此這里還是都譯成主動句好,She saw Japanese military police lashing her countrymen ... and spraying water on...。 隆冬臘月:由于前面已說明“大雪封道”,這里再說“隆冬臘月”顯得有些多余,可不譯。 3. 在茫茫的生活大海中浮沉:這一形象對于英語國家的人來說比較生疏,因此可靈活一些,譯成Her life passed through a series of successes and failures/ups and downs.。 生路:這里也就是‘道路’(path)。 在苦悶和彷徨之中:意思是‘壓抑,沮喪,無出路’,可以譯成in the midst of her depression and frustration。 黨向她伸出了手:這里的“黨”是GCD,“手”是援助之手,因此譯為the Communist Party stretched out a helping hand to her。 黨領(lǐng)導的進步文化事業(yè):這里“進步文化事業(yè)”按‘文化運動’(cultural movement)理解和翻譯更明白易懂。 演《麗人行》: play a role in The Ballad of Beauties。 她的生活道路發(fā)生了轉(zhuǎn)折:這一句可以按‘這標志著她生活道路的轉(zhuǎn)折點’理解并可作為上一句的非限制性定語從句處理,譯成which marked the turning point in her life. 4.愛人:中文的“愛人”更多時候是指“丈夫”或“妻子”,不能跟英文的lover等同。事實上當時黃宗英和趙丹已經(jīng)是夫妻,所以此處應譯成husband。 電影界的進步人士: progressive film-makers或progressive cinema people。 國民黨: Kuomintang。 忠實記錄了:由于《烏鴉與麻雀》是故事片而不是記錄片,所以這里用depict/depiction比record好。 國民黨末日:這里的“國民黨”實際上指的是國民黨政權(quán)(the Kuomintang regime)。迎來了新中國的誕生:原文句子的結(jié)構(gòu)是“她和她的愛人趙丹……以這部……影片……迎來了……”,用“迎來”沒有問題;如果英文的句子結(jié)構(gòu)是“The film was a realistic depiction of...and...”,則“迎來”不便于直譯,可譯成anticipated。(Prepared by Xiaowen Xu and Guohua Chen) 譯文: Pursuing Tomorrow By Xie Daguang Before she began her acting career in Shanghai in 1942, Huang Zongying spent her school days in Tianjin. She still clearly remembers the summer of 1937 when she finished primary school. She took the entrance examination for Nankai Middle School, and on the day the results were announced, she set out, her heart full of hope and excitement, to see if her name was on the list of successful candidates. Just as she was passing Zhongyuan Department Store, she found that martial law had been declared. She crowded into the store along with the other pedestrians taking shelter. She saw tanks rumble by, flying the Japanese flag. The huge treads cut deep into the very bosom of her motherland, leaving in her young heart a wound which would never heal. That was the day Japanese troops occupied Tianjin. After that, the Japanese language became mandatory at school. With tears in her eyes, the teacher, who had spent so much of her time with the students, taught The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet. In 1941 she dropped out of school after just one semester of senior high because her family was unable to pay the tuition fee. Her mother sold the last piece of her jewelry to buy Huang Zongying a train ticket for Shanghai, where she was expected to earn a living on her own. Shanghai was a dazzling world of myriad temptations, yet to her, a young and inexperienced actress, it seemed a place filled with more pitfalls than opportunities. She went back to Tianjin several times to look for a more secure and stable job, but each time she was compelled to return to the stage insgroupsto support herself and her friends. Once traveling between Tianjin and Shanghai, her train became snowbound. She saw Japanese military police lashing her countrymen lying in the snow and spraying water on the refugees who were scrambling to board the train. Her life passed through a series of successes and failures as she searched for a new path. In the midst of her depression and frustration, the Communist Party stretched out a helping hand to her, and she plunged herself into the cultural movement of the Party. She played a role in The Ballad of Beauties, which marked the turning point in her life. From 1948 to 1949, she and her husband, Zhao Dan, together with other progressive film-makers, secretly filmed The Crow and the Sparrows in Shanghai, which was still under the strict control of the Kuomintang. The film was a realistic depiction of the last days of the Kuomintang regime and anticipated the birth of the new China.- (Translated by David Moser with reference to“Catch‘tomorrow’”trans. by Wang Wei, Chinese Translators’Journal, 1989.3) |
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