朋友結(jié)婚。母親從鄉(xiāng)下背了兩床七斤重的棉絮,坐火車、汽車,輾轉(zhuǎn)而來。到了家門口,還有一段很遠的路,沒有公車直達。母親舍不得打車,氣喘吁吁走了四十分鐘,才到家。 My friend got married. His mother carried two bags of cotton from the countryside by bus and train to his city. After arriving at the city, there was still a long way to his house without any bus passing by the house. His mother walked to his home breathlessly for 40 minutes without taking a taxi in order to save money. 朋友哭笑不得,指著滿床的羊絨被、蠶絲被說,只要有錢,商場里什么樣的被子買不到,非要這樣折騰? My friend felt bitter as well as funny as his mother‘s deeds. He pointed to the cashmere and silk quilts and said, “So long as you have money, you can buy anything in the supermarket. There is no need for you to carry so much cotton here in such a long way.” 母親固執(zhí)地辯解,這是今年的新棉花,輕巧保暖,你試試吧,試試就知道了。 But his mother insisted and said, “The cotton of this year is light and warmth-keeping. Have a try and you will know!” 父母就是這樣了。用執(zhí)拗的心愛著子女,不管他們是否在意,是否領(lǐng)情。 Maybe every parent is the same, caring for their children with relentless love without caring about whether they know or like it. 早春時節(jié),我去探望婆婆。晚飯,吃的干豆角燉肉,涼拌茄條,醬蘿卜條……都是婆婆頭年秋天曬的干菜。嚼來滋味悠長,有陽光的味道。我吃得滿心歡喜,隨口贊了數(shù)聲。 This early spring, I went to visit my grandmother. We had dry beans stew, eggplant salad bar, sauce radish for our dinner, all of which were dried by my grandmother last autumn and tasted wonderful. I loved the dishes to my heart‘s content and could not help praising them again and again. 隔了幾日,平時很少上門的婆婆突然來了,笑瞇瞇地解開包袱,用塑料袋包得嚴嚴實實的是茄子干、干豇豆、花菜干。婆婆說,上回你走得急,我忙得忘了給你裝。喏,這些都是你愛吃的,我各樣都帶了一些,嘗嘗啊,可香呢。 After a few days, my grandmother, who seldom visited us, came to my home and unpacked her bag, smilingly taking out bags of dried eggplants, dried beans and dried vegetable. She told me that I left so hastily last time that she forgot to give me some of these foods, so she took this chance to bring me what I liked. 我無語。就因為我心血來潮的一句話,竟然讓快七十歲的老人倒了三趟車,從城西到城東,特意跑來。而她因為害怕暈車,總是連逛街都推辭不肯啊。 I was speechless at that time. Due to my casual compliment on her food, my grandmother , a nearly 70-year-old lady, by taking three buses from the west of the city to the east, came to my home with the food I liked. But she was bus-sick in life and even seldom went strolling in the street. 漂亮的女友有過一段失敗的婚姻,離婚后,父母給了她最深的庇護。幫她帶孩子,給她經(jīng)濟援助。雙親的關(guān)愛讓她重新煥發(fā)了生活的信心。對于那個負心的人,她自是不去理會。 My pretty girlfriend had a failed marriage in the past. After divorce, her parents shed the deepest protection and care to her by helping her attend to the child and offering financial aids. Her parents‘love made her pull herself together and forgot the man who had hurt her before. 可是,她的父親,那個溫和耿直的老人,卻在聽到昔日女婿升遷的消息后,抑制不住憤怒,跑到那人的單位質(zhì)問領(lǐng)導,為什么一個拈花惹草、品行敗壞的人會得到提拔?辦公室亂作一團。那么多人冷眼旁觀。有人輕聲嘀咕,都什么年代了,男女關(guān)系早就放開不管了,找單位有什么用? Nonetheless, her father, an honest and upright old man, after hearing his ex-son-in-law got promoted in his company, felt terrifically irritated and went to his company to question his boss why a philandering man with corrupt conducts could get promoted. The whole office fell into a mess immediately and many staff just watched on the sidelines. Some people even whispered lightly, “It is a new era now and the relationship between men and women is very open. No one would care about that any more!” 老人愣在那里,兩手發(fā)抖,滿眼含淚。 The old man stood silently in the office with his hands shivering and eyes tearing. 是夜,女友在我面前號啕。我問,是她父親愣頭愣腦處理問題的方式讓她覺得丟臉嗎?女友說,她只是心疼年已70的父親�?v使世界辜負了她,年邁的父親依然會為她討還公道,就像年幼時,鄰家的男孩搶了她的皮球一樣�?蛇@世界,已不再是父親馳騁的疆場,他的舉動變得可笑落伍。沒有人看到,他看似魯莽的行為背后隱藏的情深意長。 That night, my girlfriend cried heavily in front of me. I asked her whether it was her father‘s stupid deeds that made her feel humiliated. But she said that she felt guilty for her dad and that though the rest of the whole world betrayed her, her old father would still back her up and help her get the justice she deserved, just as when she was young and the neighboring boy grabbed her ball, her father would get it back for her. However, this changed world was no longer the stage for her old father and his deeds became funnily obsolete. No one managed to see the real and ever-lasting love to his daughter behind his seemingly rude behaviors. 是啊,就算我們早已成年,強壯到足以支撐起一個家,生兒育女,可在他們心里,依舊會擔心我們沒有棉被蓋,沒有干菜吃,路途迢迢,不怕麻煩地給我們送過來;甚至舍不得我們受半點委屈,拼命地想替兒女遮風避雨,全不理會動作笨拙,姿勢難看,用力太猛,用情太深。 Now we have grown up, so much so that we could support our family and have our own children. But in our parents‘ heart, they are still worried that we do not have sufficient quilts and dried vegetables. They would not feel troubled to bring all these to us regardless of long tough journey. They even would not like us to suffer a bit and try all means to protect us without caring about whether what they do is awkward and stupid or not. 還有誰會這樣笨拙固執(zhí),毫無心機地愛著我們? 只有我們的父母。 Who in the world would love us so deeply and relentlessly without asking for any repay? Only our parents! |
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