下面是育路教育網(wǎng)編輯整理了2011年自考英語備考輔導(dǎo)練習題,供大家參考一下。祝愿所有考生考試順利! Public and Private Schools in the Unite States Religious and private schools receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States, and, as a result, are usually somewhat expensive to_1_. The largest group of religious schools in America _2_ by the Roman Catholic Church. While religious schools tend to be_3_ expensive than private schools, there are usually some fees. When there is free education available to all children in the Unite States, why do people _4_ money on private schools? Americans offer_5_ great variety of reasons for doing so, including the desire of some parents to _6_ their children to schools _7_ classes tend to be smaller, or where religious instruction is included as part of the educational program, or because, _8_ their opinion, the public schools in their area are not _9_ high enough quality to meet their needs. Private schools in the Unite States _10_ widely in size, quality, and in the kind of program that are offered to meet _11_ of certain students. The degree _12_ American parents are active in their children's schools is often _13_ to people of other countries. Most schools have organizations _14_ of both parents and teachers, usually called P.T.A for Parent-Teacher-Association. They meet together to _15_ various matters concerning the school. Parents often give their time to help with classroom or after school activities. 1.A) go B) attend C) take part in D) enroll 2. A) were run B) run C) is run D) is running 3.A) less B) more C) rather D) much 4. A) spend B) pay C) cost D) take 5. A) a B) the C) some D) / 6 A) bring B) bringing C) send D) sending 7. A) which B) what C) in that D) where 8. A) to B) in C) on D) for 9. A) / B) in C) of D) on 10. A) differ B) varies C) extend D) differs 11. A) the needs B) the satisfaction C) needs D) need 12. A) on which B) to which C) which D) what 13. A) surprise B) surprised C) surprising D) striking 14. A) consisting B) comprising C) composing D) making up 15. A) talk to B) comment C) discuss D) exchange key: BCAAA CDBCA ABCAC |
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熱點專題 |
·陜西:2011年上半年非學(xué)歷證書考試通知 |
·廣東:2011年中英合作商務(wù)管理等專業(yè)合作課程 |
·西安:2010年下半年畢業(yè)證書發(fā)放 |
·自考轉(zhuǎn)回陜西的話,需要什么手續(xù)? |
·華政大學(xué)2011年4月自考各專業(yè)補報名時間 |
·浙江衢州關(guān)于PETS考試領(lǐng)證的通知 |
·北京:2011年自考工作主要日程安排 |
·廣東省自考開考及已�?紝I(yè)信息查詢 |
·河海大學(xué)2011年碩士研究生入學(xué)考試成績查詢?nèi)?/A> |
·南京財經(jīng)大學(xué)2011年碩士生初試成績查詢?nèi)肟?/A> |
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