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同等學力英語輔導 每日一練(4月25日)

作者:   發(fā)布時間:2010-04-26 13:53:06  來源:環(huán)球卓越

Don't Hesitate to Say "No"
Don't Hesitate to Say "No"
     To help those who are in need is always regarded as a traditional Chinese moral. However people have to know well what the need is before the help is offered. When the need is just for some minority's benefit and against most people's interests, or when it is immoral or unlawful, people should not hesitate to say “No”. Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble.
     Unfortunately, there are so many such examples around us that people end up their leadership in jail or bury their glory in shame simply because they don't say "No" while they should. Some people are reluctant to say "No" in front of all kinds of briberies as they want to swamp their power for money. They can't resist the temptations of accumulating wealth in a fast but illegal way. For their own good and their friend's favor, these people would sacrifice millions of RMB Yuan for an unproportional commission and therefore stake there future on scales of law. Other people don't say No because of misinterpreted friendship and lack of sense of law. They never hesitate to do whatever their friends ask them to do. They believe they are helping their friends even when they are actually violating the law or local regulations. Such people will also be punished according to the degree of their misbehavior.
     Therefore, to help is not always doing good. People should learn to say a No when the help might hurt other people's interests.

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