




          An international contract should be executed through four basic steps: pre-preparation for contract, contract negotiation, 41 and contract execution, and each steps includes detail procedures, an international seller must have good knowledge of the following steps: firstly we should seek 42 and contact the certain customers who have demands indeed. The second steps we need negotiate with customers about the price, products, service etc. In this step we should make an 43 to our customers, and the costumers will make a confirmation of 44 or non-acceptance. After all essential factors of contract are confirmed, we should sign contract with our customer. The last step is execution of contract, in this step we need arrange shipment, prepare relative shipment documents and effect insurance if any etc. Of course our customer should also make 45 by L/C or T/T according to the contract stipulations.

    41. A. contract performance B. contract signing C. contract payment D. contract shipment

    42. A. market B. product C. customer D. seller

    43. A. inquire B. counteroffer C. offer D. acceptance

    44. A. inquire B. acceptance C. offer D. quotation

    45. A. customs clearance B. payment C. shipment D. production


    The latest edition of “Inconterms”is “Inconterms 2000”,which was amended in July1999 by 41 and published in January 1, 2000. The “Inconterms 2000” includes 13 different international trade terms. They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from the seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific activities. FOB, 42 and CIF are the traditional three trade terms among them, which are most widely used in international trade. Like CIF, the 43 must pay the costs and freight and insurance necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. While the new three terms FCA, CPT and CIP developed on the basis of the traditional ones. The traditional three terms can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport and the new three terms can be used for any mode of transport especially 44 . Take CPT and CFR for example, the major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CPT can be used for any mode of transport, if the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship‘s rail, the 45 term is preferred.

    41. A. ICC B. WTO C. FIATA D. United Nation

    42. A. CFR B. CPT C. FCA D. CIP

    43. A. Carrier B. Seller C. Buyer D. Consignee

    44. A. sea transport B. air transport C. road transport D. muti-model transport

    45. A. CFR B. CPT C. FCA D. CIP




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