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作者:不詳   發(fā)布時間:2010-11-16 10:52:13  來源:育路教育網

  More cotton-padded tents are badly in need in Zhangye city in northwestern Gansu province, which was hit by twin tremors Saturday night, as most of the quake victims are now huddling in makeshift shelters in jolted areas where temperature drops to five degrees below zero Celsius at night.

  A total of 1,000 cotton-padded tents transported from the city of Changsha in central-south Hunan province by the Ministry of Civil Affairs are on the way and will arrive at the destinations within the next two to three days.

  The twin quakes, measuring 6.1 and 5.8 degrees on the Richter scale, jolted areas between Minle and Shandan counties of Zhangye city in Gansu at 20:41 and 20:48 hours on Saturday. The two counties are a direct distance of 33 km from Lanzhou, capital of the province.

  By Sunday afternoon, nine people were confirmed dead form the quakes, and six were injured seriously wounded and 37 slightly.

  According to preliminary statistics from Zhangye city, the quakes have caused an economic loss of 327 million yuan in 175 villages, flattening 14,322 houses, killing or injuring 16,219 heads of livestock and destroying 5,800 hectares of farmland. 191

  1. What happened in northwestern Gansu province?

  A. It was hit by twin terrorists

  B. Most people became the quake victims

  C. It was hit by two successive quakes.

  D. It was five degrees below zero Celsius.


  2. How many cotton-padded tents are needed there?

  A. A total of 1,000

  B. About 1000

  C. More than 1000

  D. The more, the better.


  3. Where is the specific spot of the quake?

  A. Zhangye city

  B. jolted areas between Minle and Shandan counties

  C. 175 villages

  D. 33 km from Lanzhou


  4. How many people became victims of the quake?

  A. Within one hundred.

  B. Thousands.

  C. Tens of thousands.

  D. Millions.


  5. Which of the following is in charge of tents transporting?

  A. Changsha City

  B. Hunan Province

  C. the Ministry of Civil Affairs

  D. Lanzhou, capital of the province


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