ih as in sit. Though I have found in practice , "/>
The [ ??] diphthong. This sound combines the aw as in law with the
ih as in sit. Though I have found in practice , as with many diphthongs,
that the vowels within this diphthong are not quite so pure as they are
when they stand alone. So with the aw as in law , I actually find it
to be a little closer to the oh , as in the first sound of no. It does
assume the same mouth position, aw , the cheeks come in a little bit
and the lips round and come out , aw , law, but rather than saying
an aw sound here, it's a little bit more like an oh. And to make that
differentiation in the sound, the tongue comes up a little higher in
the back than it does in the aw , law, pure sound by itself. Oy , o,
The second sound: the ih as in sit. Ih , ih , oy. I sort feel at
times like it's ih with a little bit mix of an ee as in she though it
certainly is not oyee , the lips don't come out that far. Oy , oy ,
oy. So as you can see , o, the tongue is raised in the back more so
you see the darkness in the mouth : o, oy …… and there you see the
tongue come forward for the ih, ih , ih. And the corners of the mouth
come out just a little bit.
雙元音[ ??] 由law 中的[ ?] 音和sit 中的[i] 音組成,不過它的第一
個音[ ?] 更接近于[ ?:].發(fā)這個音時口腔的位置是同[ ?] 一樣的,臉頰收
第二個音[i] 中摻雜了一些[i:] 音的成分,但它絕對不像[i:] 音那樣嘴
舌頭向前伸來發(fā)[i] 音,同時嘴角要向外拉一點。
Sample words:
soy 大豆;醬油
enjoyable 有樂趣的
Sample sentence :
The boy is annoying.這個小男孩很煩人。