端午節(jié)的習(xí)俗:懸鐘馗像:鐘馗捉鬼,是端午節(jié)習(xí)俗, 在江淮地區(qū), 家家懸鐘馗像, 用以鎮(zhèn)宅驅(qū)邪。
唐明皇開元, 自驪山講武回宮,瘧疾大發(fā), 夢見二曳, 一大一小, 小鬼穿大紅無襠褲, 赤腳, 偷楊貴妃之香囊和明皇的玉笛。 繞殿而跑。 大鬼則穿藍袍戴帽,赤雙足。捉住小鬼, 挖悼其眼睛, 一只吞下,明皇喝問, 大鬼奏日, 臣姓鐘馗, 即武舉不第, 愿為陛下除妖魔, 皇醒后, 瘧疾愈, 于是令畫工吳道子。 照夢中所見畫成鐘馗捉鬼之圖像, 通令天下于端午時,一律張貼,以驅(qū)邪魔。
掛艾葉菖蒲:以艾葉懸于堂中,剪艾力虎形或剪彩為小虎,貼以艾葉,婦人爭相戴之,以僻邪驅(qū)瘴。用菖蒲作劍,插于門榻, 有驅(qū)魔法鬼之神效。 在端陽節(jié),家家都以菖蒲、 艾葉、 榴花、 蒜頭、龍船花,制成人形稱為艾人。 食菖蒲可以成仙,可以長生, 漢武帝欲求長主之術(shù),曾吃菖蒲兩年。
賽龍舟:當時楚人因舍不得賢臣屈原死去, 于是有許多人劃船趕迫拯救, 是為尤舟競渡之起源, 后每年五月五日劃龍舟以紀念之。 借劃龍舟驅(qū)散江中之魚, 以免魚吃掉屈原的尸體。競渡之習(xí), 盛行于吳,越、楚。
臺灣開始有尤舟競渡是始于清乾隆二十九年, 由當時臺灣知府蔣元君在臺南市法華寺半月池主持友誼賽。 現(xiàn)在臺灣每年五月五日均舉行尤舟競賽, 香港有競渡之舉,近英國人亦仿效我國人作法, 組織鬼佬隊,進行競賽活動。
據(jù)近代著名的愛國學(xué)者聞一多先生的《端午考》說:“端午節(jié)本是吳越民族舉行圖騰祭妃的節(jié)日, 而賽龍舟便是祭儀中半宗教。半娛樂性節(jié)目。”
四五千年前, 居住在原始圖騰社會的水鄉(xiāng)部落的人民,受到蛇蟲、 疾病的侵害和水患威脅,為了抵御這些天災(zāi), 他們尊奉想象中的具有威力的龍作為自己的祖先兼保護神(即圖騰), 并把船建造成龍形、 畫上龍紋, 每年端午舉行競渡。以表示對龍的尊敬,也說明自己是龍的子孫,龍的傳人。
吃粽子:荊楚之人在五月五日煮糯米飯或蒸粽糕投入江中, 以祭祀屈原,為恐魚吃掉,故用竹筒盛裝糯米飯擲下,以后漸用粽葉包米代替竹筒。
飲雄黃酒:雄黃本屬礦物, 含有三硫化砷成分,與酒混合。即成雄黃酒,用以驅(qū)蟲解五毒,小兒涂于頭額。耳鼻,手足心。 并灑墻壁問, 以法諸毒。流傳民間之《白蛇傳》故事,即是以雄黃酒解蛇虺諸毒,而現(xiàn)白蛇原形。此種習(xí)佰,在長江流域地區(qū)的人家很盛行。
游百病:為盛行于貴州地區(qū)的端午習(xí)俗。 男女老幼往野外游玩, 穿新衣, 在中午一時左右, 路上山上或樹下擠滿人群,手抱花草, 非�?鞓�。晚上回家將花草和水煮開洗澡,老年人稱為“游百病”及“洗百病”,不出去游百病及洗百病的人,一年到頭就不會獲得吉利。
佩香囊:端午節(jié)小孩佩香囊,不但有避邪驅(qū)瘟之意,而且有襟頭點綴之風(fēng)。香囊內(nèi)藏有朱砂。 雄黃。香藥, 外包以絲布,清香四溢, 再以五色絲線弦扣成索,作各種不同形狀,結(jié)成一串,形形色色,玲瓏奪目。
The Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar(陰歷). It is one of the three most important of the annual Chinese festivals. The other two are the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.
The story of this colorful festival concerns a famous Chinese scholar-statesman(政治家) named Chu Yuan(屈原) who, some three centuries before the birth of Christ, served the King of Chu(楚懷王)during the Warring States period. As a loyal minister(大臣), Chu Yuan at first enjoyed the full confidence and respect of his sovereign(君主). Eventually, through the intrigues of his rivals, he was discredited(不足信的, 不名譽的).
Chu Yuan was never able to regain(恢復(fù)) the emperor's favor and on the fifth day of the fifth moon in the year 295 B.C.(Before Christ), at the age of 37, Chu Yuan clasped a stone to his chest and plunged into the Milo River(汨羅江) in the Hunan Province(湖南省).
Respecting the minister as an upright(正直的) and honest man, the people who lived in the area jumped into their boats and rushed out in a vain search for him. This unsuccessful rescue attempt is a part of what the Dragon Boat Festival commemorates every year.
Probably the most exciting and interesting aspect of the festival is the racing of the Dragon Boats. These races not only symbolize the people's attempt to save Chu Yuan, they also demonstrate the Chinese virtues(美德) of cooperation and teamwork.
Another activity of the Festival is the making and eating of a kind of dumpling called Tzungtzu (粽子). When it became known that Chu Yuan was gone forever, the people, living along the river, threw cooked rice into the water as a sacrifice(祭品) to their dead hero. They wrapped(包) rice in bamboo leaves(粽葉), and stuffed(填滿) it with ham, beans, bean paste(豆沙), salted egg yokes, sausages, nuts, and/or vegetables.
To the Chinese the fifth lunar moon is more than just the Dragon Boat Festival. Since antiquity(古代), they have believed that this month is a pestilential and danger-fraught(瘟疫的及充滿危險的) period. Children born in this month are said to be difficult to raise(撫養(yǎng)), and people tend to concentrate their efforts during this time attempting to protect their families from ills and misfortune. The day of the Dragon Boat Festival is customarily the time when cleaning and sanitation(衛(wèi)生) are stressed(著重, 強調(diào)). Most families hang calamus(菖蒲) and artemisia(艾草) above their doors, both as a decoration and as a preventive against pestilence.
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