Ⅲ.難句釋義。從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個正確答案,并填在答題紙相應的位置上。(本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分) 31. This view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. A. We become more patient as time passes by. 32. Once you turn over a new leaf, you can’t expect to change completely right away. A. Once you have a new idea... 33. The home environment suddenly takes on a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. A. …Things at home seem unreasonably good to the foreigner. 34. Yet another component of politeness is the capacity to treat all people alike, regardless of all status or importance. A. …even though you barely know them. 35. What had been the finest house in the neighborhood came crashing down. A. The once finest house in the neighborhood collapsed. 36. I cannot even imagine a world where there is no reward for such effort. A. I believe nothing is more valuable than such hard work. 37. If you offer him [the government official] a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods. Now, the question is: do you pay up or stand by your principles? A. …what is the bribery for, license or principle? 38. That ability [of John Bullyer’s] to master the nine-times table had proved no momentary success. A. His ability in mathematics had required continual efforts. 39. She was one of the founders of Girton College, and worked hard at opening the medical profession to women. A. …and did her best to make women interested in a medical career. 40. the human spirit, which in all previous ages had regarded the conditions of life as essentially unchanging and beyond man’s control, ... A. …which in the past had never failed to go beyond man’s ability to change the conditions ... |
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